
8. 8. – 15. 9. 2024 (opening: Wednesday 7th of August 2024 at 6 pm)

Polina Khatsenka, Michal Mitro, Lucie Páchová, Jiří Suchánek, Michal Klodner, Martyna Poznańska, Nikola Brabcová a Karin Šrubařová, Olga Karlíková

curated by: Alexandra Cihanská Machová

graphic design: Pavla Nečásková

First we liberate ourselves from an anthropocentrical definition of sound as a vibration, that is hearable by a human ear, and we admit, that each vibration can possibly be heard by someone, or something. Then it doesn’t matter, whether we perceive the world as an energy – will for an action, or as a string, we always find ourselves in the universe of vibrations, the world made of sound. Sun does not turn around the Earth, the Earth does not turn around the humans, hierarchy is broken up and suddenly everything is equally important. We are looking for the way to go on, out of the catastrophes and traps, into which we got ourselves, we are looking for the true role, position in the ecosystem, if there still is one, the way it was and the way it necessarily changes. We are looking for the ways, how to change our role of humanity as a disease, as a parasite, to a valuable part of the whole, to connect, to integrate, to get in touch, to contact. To listen means an opportunity and possibility to understand, to accept. One must not only listen through the ears. Sound permeates the matter of our bodies, it interferes with their energy, their vibration, their sound. Waves are intertwined and it’s not possible to distinguish the borders, where one thing ends and the other thing begins, everything mingles, shades into each other. We are part of our surrounding, of our environment, our environment passes through us. Sound and transmedial artists discover in their works way of listening, which are not limited by a human ear. Listening of the communication of animals, plants, interspecies, communication of ecospheres.

The exhibition is part of the Take Care Festival( Prague Art Week( and is accompanied by a series of artist talks and lectures/discussions:
👂1.9. at 4pm____Blind soundwalk with Lucia Páchová
👂1.9. at 6 pm____Deaf soundwalk with Polina Khatsenko
Both Lucie Páchová and Polina Khatsenko are sound artists who both focus on listening, specifically listening to the landscape and environment, with slightly different perspectives. Each of them will lead a walk around the gallery, which is focused on the perception of sound in the environment and its meaning, each with a different limitation and therefore from a different perspective. The walks are followed by a debate over the small refreshment, where we will share impressions from both walks.
👂6.9. at 6 pm____Concert&Artist talk: Jiří Suchánek, Michal Mitro
Jiří Suchánek and Michal Mitro will play a live performance – a concert in their installations Soil choir and Egde of chaos. The concert is followed by a debate with the artists about their work.

👂Opening: st 7.8. 2024 v 18.00
👂Technical support: Ondřej Konrád
👂PR: Lála Mysl
👂open: čt–ne 13–19h/thu–sun 1–7pm
⭐️GAMU’s exhibition program take place with the support of the Municipality of the City of Prague. Medial partners are Artalk, Artmap and jlbjlt.